What’s the Difference?

At RESULTS PT, working with Dr. Bruce C. Diven, PT, DPT, you will get one-on-one service with a physical therapist with over 30 years’ experience.  Your visit will last for a minimum of 60 minutes of undivided attention focusing on you and only you.

At hospital and / or corporate physical therapy clinics, you’ll likely be lined up on a table in an open gym with many other patients.  This is set up so they may treat multiple patients without any individual privacy.  PT assistants or trainers will be assigned to direct your treatment sessions after your initial evaluation with the therapist – the physical therapist needs to do more evaluations to fill all those tables.   The majority of your treatment sessions will focus on you doing repetitive exercises.  When you say that you still hurt and progress is slow, you are told that you need to do MORE exercises and follow through with your home exercise program.  Your treatment session will last only 45 minutes   (15 minutes reserved to do their paperwork and bring in the next patient).  ASSEMBLY LINE PHYSICAL THERAPY!